Here’s How To Get Your Car Insurance Quotes- Complete Guide

Our Article Here: Is To explore the best keys for your car insurance quotes Germany, with top-6-types of car insurance in Germany, we will also take a look on how to optimal car insurance.


Car insurance from € 46 per year:

The calculation is based on the assumption that the policyholder has held a driver’s license since the age of 18, has a car insured in his name and has not had an accident since then.

Germans are car lovers and of course, the cliché of Germans and their love for rules and regulations does not stop with their cars.

In this following article, we will explore the extensive overview and guideline on how to manage all the paperwork and details for an automotive insurance in Germany.

We give you all the information you need to know about the car insurance in Germany:

Which form of car insurance is required?

What options do you have?

Check out online, which car insurance in Germany is the best for you.

Additionally, you will find information on how to register your car in Germany, as well as which type of driver’s license you will need for driving on German roads.

German Car Insurance – The Basics

In Germany, car insurance is a necessity – you cannot register your vehicle without one.

Having a car and an insurance is basically a self-evident fact.

Especially if you are a long-term resident in Germany, you should think about acquiring a German car insurance since foreign insurances often are not sufficient.




For NATO and USAREUR Personnel living in Germany, it’s important to have complete car insurance coverage so you are protected when dealing with breakdowns, towing charges, repairs or damage or injuries from accidents.

So that you aren’t tasked with finding and understanding a local policy that is available only in German, our coverage combines:

Here are three types of car insurance in Germany:

1. Third-party liability insurance (Haftpflichtversicherung)

2. Partial coverage insurance (Teilkaskoversicherung)

3. Fully comprehensive coverage insurance (Vollkaskoversicherung)

While third-party liability insurance is compulsory, you can choose whether you would also like to have a partial coverage or fully comprehensive coverage insurance for your car.

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Also Check Out: How To Confirm, If Your Motor Insurance Policy -Is Genuine.

The cost for your car insurance depends on various factors, the most decisive ones are your age and no-claims discount bonus (Schadenfreiheitsklasse).

This means: The longer you are driving without any accidents, the cheaper your car insurance fee will turn out.

Your car insurance rate will also vary between different insurance providers.

The insurance providers collect information for the price calculation on the distances a vehicle is mainly used for, the primary usage as a city car for short distances or if the driver needs the automobile for long-distance car rides on highways.

The company will ask for further information to determine a suitable car insurance for you.

In order to estimate the cost of your car insurance in Germany, you will need the following data:


We offer three different car insurances: a third-party liability insurance, which is mandatory, a partial coverage insurance and a fully comprehensive coverage insurance.

With each version, you can choose between classic, comfort or premium conditions.

The extent of insurance services depends on, which conditions you decide on.

Note that the services of a partial coverage or fully comprehensive coverage insurance provide supplementary benefits in addition to the basic, third-party liability insurance.

The following chart helps to compare our car insurances.


 Which further aspects affect the price of your car insurance in Germany?

In order to find the perfect auto insurance quotes for you, compare insurance providers within the market on car insurances.

Car insurance regulations are influenced by three compare rates: type class (Typklasse), regional class (Regionalklasse) and no-claims discount bonus (Schadensfreiheitsklasse/Schadensfreiheitsrabatt SFR).

Type class (Typklasse): Statistics show, that some vehicle models are involved in traffic accidents more often than other cars or more likely to be stolen.

Considering these risks, the German Association for insurance industry (GDV – Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft) has arranged a chart of all type classes, in which car brands are registered.

Regional class (Regionalklasse): The regional class indicate, how high a car must be insured within a particular region.

It turns out, that some regions in Germany are affected with car theft or traffic accidents more than others.

A region with a higher theft or accident rate requires a higher insurance fee.

A third factor in pricing of your car insurance is the no-claims discount bonus (Schadenfreiheitsklasse/Schadenfreiheitsrabatt SFR).

The SFR reduces the overall costs of your car insurance – sometimes it is possible to bring your SFR bonus from your home country.

In order to have something at hand, get yourself an attest on your driving record from your old insurance provider.

By proving your accident-free driving record, the car insurance determines a certain percentage, which influences your insurance costs.

The more years you can verify no accidents, the lesser you pay for your insurance,

Even though the German market offers many insurance providers and your confusion might be rather high, finding the perfect car or vehicle insurance for you is not hard.

Having only a third-party liability insurance resembles a cheap version of car insurance in Germany, but you should evaluate, if this is sufficient.

Use this top -6, checklist to find your requirements to determine which type of insurance you need:


Motor Insurance is issued as part of prevention of public liability to protect the general public from any accident that might take place on the road.

Nigerian law mandates that every owner of motor vehicles must have a motor insurance policy.


Homeowners Insurance helps individuals protect against damages to the house itself, or to possessions in the house.

Homeowners insurance also provides liability coverage against accidents on the property.

3. Occupiers Liability Insurance

Occupiers Liability Insurance concerns the duty of care owed by those who occupy any property, through ownership or lease, to people who visit or trespass.

It deals with liability that may arise from accidents caused by the defective or dangerous condition of the premises

4. Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance covers the costs and reduces the risk associated with unexpected events during domestic or international travel.


Personal Accident Insurance provides compensation in the event of injuries, disability or death caused solely by violent, accidental, external and visible events.

It is different from life insurance and medical & health insurance.

6. Good in transit Insurance

Goods In Transit (GIT) insurance covers property against loss or damage while it is in transit from one place to another or being stored during a journey.

You can take this insurance out for goods being distributed in your own vehicle or by a third-party carrier, both domestically and abroad.

Consider using 9jahitsongs guidelines to get more car insurance quotes and how to find the best car insurance.


About 9jahitsongs Media 238 Articles
Emmanuel Benjamin a Nigeria talented writer, singer and entrepreneur, also known as 2sliz, who has a experience of over 8 years blog, and advertising content, the founder of Naijatopsound website, and here 9jahitsongs, he started contributing to 9jahitsongs in 2023 and has written various topics on work visas, work abroad, financial quotes, health insurance, software system, Online learning platform, digital skills job, car insurance, life insurance, nutritionist barley, and how to submit a application for work and more pieces advantages over employees.

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